GIFT has supported Daughters of Wisdom and Missionaries of Saint Paul in Malawi, Father Fred's Ecogenesis regenerative farming center in Philippines, and Wynne Farm, L'Arc-en-Ciel Orphanage and Father Joseph Network in Haiti in the farming of nutrition-smart, water-smart and climate-smart Orange Flesh Sweet Potatoes and their Edible Leaves. OFSP and Leaves provide the most calories per acre among all crops and their yields could grow 7-fold, per FAO data.
GIFT also provides training on the OFSP's unparalleled propagation wherewithal and worked to create seed beds and enable sharing of vine cuttings across communities. GIFT also provided soil test kits and training on soil testing.
Importantly, not only is OFSP and its Edible Leaves an efficacious nutrition powerhouse, OFSP flour can replace up to 60% of Wheat in baked goods to reduce imports and keep incomes in country. And OFSP can be grown with less than 1/3 the water requirements of Wheat, which is key given the growing incidences of water scarcity globally. GIFT provides regenerative farming resources via training and essentially a farming toolkit, including seeds, irrigation, soil testing, propagation strategies, etc., where possible. GIFT has also helped a farm in Philippines construct a greenhouse.
GIFT has also forged a relationship with Poznan Supercomputing & Networking Center, Poland, to provide supercomputing for agribusiness management.
GIFT also supports market making and circular-economy value chain creation for job creation and economic development. In our latest Agribusiness endeavor, we're seeking to convert OFSP and Leaves crop damage, food processing wastes and vines into bioplastics, bioethanol and biohydrogen, enabling more income for farmers, value chain job creation and community economic development.
GIFT has provided solar and battery storage systems in Philippines and Haiti and we also deployed solar irrigation in Philippines.
In Malawi, in response to Cyclone Freddy's devastating impact and resulting Cholera incidences, GIFT provided Daughters of Wisdom with LifeStraw Water Filtration systems to help avert Cholera deaths.
GIFT also provided DOW with an emergency response supply of Maize to feed the hungry after crops had failed and people were left displaced and hungry.
GIFT enabled Daughters of Wisdom to support illiterate women with micro-business creation in Malawi by providing sewing machines and training on the sewing trade as well as general business training.
GIFT also provided DOW with a mobile-phone enabled digital projector to provide internet-enabled sewing trades training. This was so successful that the students also pursued internet-content training for soap manufacturing.
GIFT also supported the construction of a community center in Philippines and of a school library in Malawi.
And through the internet enabled projector, GIFT was also able to provide access to library books, and classroom education material.
in Haiti, we supported the community with training on rabbit breeding business and financial support akin to microfinance to enable self-sustaining business development.
Based on all the insights God has enabled us to gather, Global Institute For Transformation (GIFT) is now working with individuals, churches, ministries and the business community to advocate for and fulfil the UN Sustainable Development Goals -- deemed "17 Goals To Transform Our World -- by deploying efficacious innovations to critical, unmet needs.
In 2015, all 193 nations in the UN and the Vatican committed to achieving radical goals of eradicating poverty, ending hunger; providing universal clean water and energy; assuring well-being; advancing industry and jobs globally; enabling inclusion; all while fixing the planet; and more -- and all by 2030!
This is exactly what the Body of Christ is called to do in Matthew 25 and elsewhere in Holy Scripture.
The key to fulfilling the SDGs will be to affect both cross-cutting initiatives as well as collaborations as recommended in SDG 17-Partnerships.
Through this, we're enabling both cross-cutting societal impacts and inter-disciplinary, cross-sector collaborations to make a big impact.
As just one example: GIFT is leading a global farming program growing sweet potato and leaves to bring "the Mother Teresa of of the dinner table" to those in dire need of nutrition and farming income. We're also working to convert crop damage, vines and processing wastes into biethanol, biohydrogen and bioplastics to reduce fossil fuels and address critical problems with plastics.
We're blessed to have access to Supercomputing from the Pozan Supercomputing & Networking Center, Poland -- an incredible resource -- to support this and optimize yields. It's an example of our work fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -- deemed "17 Goals To Transform Our World" -- such as we're called to do in Sacred Scripture and through recurring Church teachings.
"I want you to pray dreams and visions of what it will be like when you help eradicate poverty and hunger by 2030,"
expressed Monsignor Jim Carini in encouraging our work on the UN SDGs.
If you have the time, you may want to read the following blog post on fulfilling the SDGs -- including through twinning efforts -- written by Tim Maurer, GIFT's founder. Check out this video, too, and join us in something so meaningful, so impactful, so wonderful and so worthwhile:
Honey For Haiti has developed an array of services to help a wonderful orphanage in Haiti, and now Honey For Haiti is part of GIFT.
Honey For Haiti has designed and implemented innovative sustainable development projects for Maison L'Arc-en-Ciel d'Haiti Orphanage, benefiting children affected by or infected with HIV/AIDS. H4H's goal has been to assist the orphanage in creating sustainable sources of income through agricultural and livestock based projects, in addition to providing technical training for the children to develop their skills for their eventual reintegration into Haitian society. This model plan and operation can benefit others.
By aligning with GIFT, Honey For Haiti's tremendous works, model and success can be transferred across Haiti and to other communities in need globally. For more details on Honey For Haiti's work, visit Honey For Hait's website.
GIFT's mission is to support the material and spiritual needs of people around the world by working collaboratively with non-governmental and faith-based organizations, corporations, and governments. Through partnership, advocacy, and outreach activities, our team and partner organizations work tirelessly each day to contribute their part to the greater good. We research solutions to unmet needs, bring in new technologies, and affect new strategic approaches to solving major issues.
Economic Transformation
Environmental Transformation
Spiritual Transformation
Here at Global Institute For Transformation, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. Since our founding, we have been determined to enable both cross-cutting societal impacts and interdisciplinary, cross-sector collaborations to create positive change.
GIFT's mission involves supporting the material and community needs of people around the world by working collaboratively with local and international organizations. GIFT advances transformative solutions to unmet needs, with the intent to align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
Scroll to learn about each of GIFT's partner organizations. These organizations are making a positive impact in their respective communities. GIFT is committed to assisting these organizations in becoming more self-sustainable through income-generating projects and cost-saving activities, as well as investing in the improvement and expansion of each partner's mission.
Welcomes abandoned and stigmatized children infected/affected with HIV, surrounding them with medical and psychological care.
Ecogenesis is an organization that aims to empower individuals and groups through education, training and action.
Wynne Farm Ecological Reserve is dedicated to environmental protection through education. Our goal is to preserve nature and teach that we all have the power to heal the Earth.
UNIF’s mission is to educate young Haitian men and women in order to create wealth in rural Haiti.
Serving the material and spiritual needs of their community in Malawi.
29 Pinney Street, Unit #7, Ellington, CT, 06029
Global Institution For Transformation