Foundational Faith Instruction Celebrating God As Our Creator
Children's Book on
Matthew 25
Archdiocesan Youth Spectacular
Scripture Artwork For Evangelization, Discipleship And Building Fervency
Building Faith Fervency In Churches
Fostering Unity Among Christians
Global Institute For Transformation IGIFT) Is a cross-denominational, 501(c)(3) ministry supporting material and spiritual needs, domestically and globally.
By working collaboratively with the Church, ministries and the Christian community, GIFT seeks to advance transformative Spiritual content.
GIFT seeks to create exciting innovations in Spiritual resources to encourage and help people grow in their faith and share Christ's love with others in tangible ways. GIFT has developed multiple Spiritual resources used in both Catholic and Protestant ministries, including a number of which have received Catholic Church Imprimaturs and have even been covered twice on Catholic TV.
GIFT seeks to help all Christians fulfill the Lord's call that His Church be united as one in His love, for the spiritual and material wellbeing of our brothers and sisters (JN 17:21).
GIFT resources received multiple Imprimaturs and an Ecclesiastical Permission.
Archbishop Elden Curtiss enthusiastically endorsed the Global Institute For Transformation (GIFT) that Maurer created to support churches, ministries and individuals with innovations in Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy and transform lives,
"The Global Institute For Transformation (GIFT) is a cross-denominational ministry that's helping transform lives, so we'll live, and love, more like Jesus -- and transform our world. Given all the challenges in today's world, GIFT is sorely needed. Through several ministries ranging from production of posters and note-cards to the placing of water filtration systems in third world countries, GIFT is helping people be transformed by using their time, talents and treasures with the power of the Holy Spirit in their own families, communities and nations. I enthusiastically support the mission of GIFT..."
Catholic TV recognized GIFT’s mission when they covered and promoted GIFT’s initiative, “The Great Pumpkin Food Fight – Fighting For Those Who Need Food.” Host Bishop Reed referenced Tim’s reflection on Church teaching while covering GIFT’s initiative to counter our $700 M+ in annual food waste and our ”indifference” to suffering and to raise funds for the hungry:
“You said you wake up every morning and you think to yourself, ‘What can I do today as a lay person to transform the world?’ And I think that’s a great question that we all should ask ourselves…”
Catholic TV also covered GIFT’s Scripture coffee table book, “The Secret To Being A Happy Camper.”
Catholic TV covered and endorsed Maurer’s children’s book Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor
illustrating MT 25: 31-46. Jay Madden commented, “People will want to find out more about Sheep & Goat, and I would recommend it. Because I’ve got to tell you, I love the book. I just got a kick out of it. Favorite kind of ice cream… I don’t want to give away too much It really is -- it’s a fun book. I’m glad you came up here to talk to us about things you’re doing to support the Catholic Church.”
Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor was also endorsed by “Tim is doing fantastic work to encourage and support families in their faith formation…”
GIFT is always seeking God's wisdom to innovate and meet unmet needs. GIFT researches, develops and provides access to what we pray will be high-impact ministry and development resources -- to help the Church body continue to build and live-out a more loving, just, equitable, joyful and sustainable world to benefit all.
GIFT works to support communities already serving God and our brothers and sisters around the world; and we seek insights from these organizations regarding critical needs to be met. We also seek to work in partnership with them, securing and providing resources to meet those identified needs.
We utilize the accepted social justice strategy: "Act (on and issue)... Reflect (prayerfully about the root cause)... Transform (the issue at the root cause).
God has blessed GIFT leadership with decades of experience working in strategy, innovation and technology, which we have been able to learn from and use to create new solutions.
From a material perspective, God has helped us connect the dots from work in the corporate world to support the developing world. This experience has even included being asked to advise the White House National Economic Council on growth, a challenge which has specifically enabled us to also identify significant, recurring needs and opportunities facing our brothers and sisters in Christ here and around the world, and to research and seek out the most efficacious solutions for these unmet needs. This experience also encourages us to take on big challenges -- like the UN SDGs referenced below -- consistent with the Lord's encouragement, "Verily truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, as I am going to my Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." (JN 14: 12, 13) This focus has also enabled us to secure organizational partners and resources to assist the poor.
From a Spiritual perspective, we've been blessed with experiences serving as a CEO of a Haitian ministry conglomerate; serving on the boards of social justice, ministry and church organizations; and serving in a pastoral position. These experiences have enlightened us to the pressing needs of our ministry partners.
We thank the Lord for His many blessings, and we seek to be good stewards of all the gifts He's given us.
Our goal has been to appreciate all these material and spiritual experiences as incredible gifts from God... to reciprocate to our loving God for these experiences by allowing Him to transform us, through the workings of the Holy Spirit, to become more like Him and to become the face of our selfless, loving Lord to the world... and ultimately to regift these gifts to transform the lives of His children here and around the world -- spiritually and materially.
GIFT resources and leadership have been tapped by multiple churches to encourage active spirituality, including providing biblical insights on addressing unmet physical and material needs.
GIFT has received endorsements from both Catholic and Protestant leaders, in recognition of the potential in the innovations we're advancing to address people's spiritual and physical needs.
GIFT has developed Spiritual resources to encourage and equip Catholic and Protestant church communities in their faith journeys and in putting their faith into action in exciting new ways, as the unified body of Christ.
GIFT leadership has been engaged to conduct transformative faith formation seminars for Archdiocesan and local church communities. GIFT stands ready to work with your organization in helping to advance fervency of faith to transform lives.
GIFT encourages everyone to reflect upon all the wonderful gifts our loving God has bestowed upon us (including life itself and all God's provisions) and to reciprocate with love to God for his incredible provisions and love by engaging in the transformation of the world. GIFT asserts that there's much comfort and joy in knowing that we're all brothers and sisters in the family of God, and GIFT encourages everyone to love one another as Christ loves us.
GIFT encourages reflecting on two key faith pillars, GIFT and TRANSFORMATION. Consider:
1) Everything's been given to us as a GIFT from our loving God and Creator. We've brought nothing to this world we enjoy -- we owe our lives and everything we have and do to God.
2) Based on everything being a gift to us from our Creator, we should be open to collaborating with God to TRANSFORM our lives and our world in accordance with God's love.
As such, we should reciprocate back to God for his incredible GIFTS and seek to know and do His will, and allow the Holy Spirit to TRANSFORM us to have the mind of Christ and to be the face of Christ to world -- and then reGIFT the many GIFTS we've received to help our brothers and sisters in need, nearby and around the world.
Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor shares the incredible joy of Christ-like living. It contrasts Sheep's living a life of selfless love with Goat's selfishness.
It's based on the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats in Matthew 25. Here Jesus explains he'll come back and separate people like a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, based on whether we shared His love with others in need. (If you haven't read the book yet, click here to read a copy.)
Our children and our society would greatly benefit from this book, and it's been described as a lot of fun.
Just how valuable is this book and its message in our faith formation?
Famed Children's TV star, Mr. Rogers, a Presbyterian Minister asked his wife as he was passing away, "Am I a sheep?"
Pope Francis told a World Youth Day crowd, "What must we do, Father? Look, read the Beatitudes: that will do you good.
If you want to know what you actually have to do, read Matthew Chapter 25, which is the standard by which we will be judged."
The fun, friendly, but all-important cross-denominational message of Sheep & Goat was featured on Catholic TV! it out by clicking the arrow in the frame below!
First, letters from parents, Church leaders and bookstore owners made us happy.
Then receiving an Imprimatur was so important to all our Catholic fans.
Now, we've received fan-fare and affection from the great people at Catholic TV and their viewers.
See How They Really Enjoyed "Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor"
Author Tim Maurer is interviewed on CatholicTV's, "This Is The Day" show, along with VBS leader Brenda Falusi.
We hope everyone who visits here has been living like Sheep -- and not like Goat.
Jesus says He'll reward all those who show love to others, too!
We hope you'll be sharing the book with others, too. Because encouraging one another to care for each other is so important. And FUN.
"The Rock" youth ministry of the Rockville Church of the Nazarene, Rockvville, CT used Sheep & Goat to reach their city and share a key Bible Parable.
(Click here for video)
We can all get excited about showing others love. In fact, we can encourage each other to be more loving and experience more joy in every day life. Every day, express and encourage selfless love to those around you. And go out of your way to recognize those you see showing selfless love, too. Especially the children!
Global Institution For Transformation
1520 S. 70th Street, Suite 101 Lincoln, NE 68506 | (402) 484-5810